User management

Adding users
Due to redesign and changes to our user management, adding users is currently done by contacting Manor Support. We plan to finish all work on our underlying...
Mon, 9 Dec, 2019 at 4:28 PM
User roles
Our access controls are role based which means that  you can create a role, like summer intern that you will then assign to the users that will work as su...
Mon, 9 Dec, 2019 at 4:29 PM
Change your password
It is very easy to change your password. You simply navigate to your profile page by clicking your name in the top. Once on the profile page you pr...
Mon, 9 Dec, 2019 at 4:29 PM
Adding a profile picture
You can easily upload a profile picture to Manor. The picture is used within your company, for example where you are referenced as a participant of a matter...
Mon, 9 Dec, 2019 at 4:30 PM