You can easily upload a profile picture to Manor. The picture is used within your company, for example where you are referenced as a participant of a matter. Profile pictures make Manor easier to use and more personal within the workplace.

To add a profile picture you can navigate to your profile page by clicking your name.

Then you will see your profile page. In the are named Profile picture you can add a new picture or edit the current one.

After you have selected a good resolution (recommended) photo of  your self and submitted it then you will be given the option to crop your photo. We recommend selecting your face and shoulders. That will make for the best type of profile picture within Manor since we use the picture in a rounded mode.

Once you are happy with your crop then press the Crop profile picture button.

Now your new profile picture is ready.

Well done!

Where is the profile picture used?

Users are mentioned in many places in Manor and when they are we display their profile picture. One example is within a matter where you can see the matter owner and the matter participants in the matter details. Then you can see which user added things to the matter by browsing the timeline where we use profile pictures for users.

Note: Our support staff can see your profile picture when they provide you with services via phone, email or screen share.

Is my profile picture displayed publicly?

No. Never. All profile pictures are only used within your firm's instance in Manor. If you are working for many firms using Manor you will have to set your profile picture for each firm. Data and/or profile pictures do not flow between firms / instances of Manor.