It is very easy to connect Outlook 365 to Manor and get events flowing between the two. This means that if you create an event in your Outlook app on mobile it will show up in Manor and vise versa. This is very useful because Manor uses event information to suggest time entries that you might need to add. If you had a meeting at lunch with a client about matter X and did not add any time to that matter today - we will suggest it to you when you decide to add your time for the day.

To connect Outlook 365 to Manor you need to take these steps:

  1. Sign in to Manor.

  2. Navigate to your profile page.

  3. Find the area named Outlook Integration and click Connect to Outlook.

  4. Then you will be transported to the Outlook 365 login page. Here you have to log in and then confirm that Manor can connect to your Outlook and set the account you wish to connect.

  5. When you have logged in to your Outlook account you will go back to Manor and see this window. Here you have to select the calendars you want Manor to fetch events from. You also have to select the calendar you wish Manor to add events to when you add events on the Manor side. The most common setup is to have a single calendar for work purposes and have Manor fetch and add events to that calendar.

    Note: If you are using the default calendar provided by Outlook it is named "Calendar" in the list.

    When you have selected the calendars - just press Save.

  6. Now Manor will start to sync events between Manor and Outlook. This can take some time and depends on the number of events you have in your calendar and Manor. You do not have to wait for the sync to complete. You can close the window and continue working in Manor. The sync can take from 1 to 60 minutes and runs in the background.

    You cna always return your profile page and click the Outlook integration to see how things are going with the sync. When the sync is all done you will see this.
  7. You have now connected Manor with Outlook. Events will flow between the two from now on.

    Well done!

What data is synced between Manor and Outlook?

Manor has a live connection with Outlook 365 and will instantly know about any events created and updated in your calendar. This means that:

  • Events created in Outlook will show up in Manor
  • Events created in Manor will show up in Outlook
  • Events you edit in Outlook will update in Manor and vise versa.
  • Events deleted in Outlook will be deleted in Manor and vise versa.

Note that all events are synced between Manor and Outlook for the calendar you selected. Manor can not know what events are personal and who are work related. If you wish to keep them separated we recommend using a special calendar for work related events and only sync that with Manor.

Who can see my events?

For most of your events you will be the only person able to see them in Manor aside from your Administrator and Manager*. The only events others can see are events you assign to specific matters in Manor, then other participants in that matter will see the event as with all other items related to that matter. 

* Users with the role of an Administrator or Manager can see all events within your company.

What happens if I disconnect Outlook from Manor?

If you disconnect Manor from Outlook then events will stop flowing between the two. 

Here is what happens:

  • No events are deleted
  • Events that were already present will continue to be present in Outlook and in Manor.
  • If you wish to delete your events from Manor you have to do that manually in Manor.
  • If you wish to delete your events from Outlook you have to do that manually in Outlook.

To disconnect you simply navigate to your profile page and press Disconnect from Outlook.

Could not connect?

Manor can only connect with certain types of Outlook setup. The first indication that your setup is not supported is if you could not select a calendar in step no five in the walk-through. Manor uses Microsoft Graph API to securely communicate with Outlook and that is only an option if Outlook is hosted in any of these environments.

  • Office 365
  • Exchange Online (hosted on Azure)
  • Exchange Server in hybrid deployments (on-premise but connected to Azure)
  • Individual accounts on

It is not possible to connect older setups of Outlook that are hosted locally such as

  • On-premise Exchange Server in a classic non-hybrid deployment.

Most outlook service providers offer their users to migrate to any of the supported cloud solutions mentioned above that support Microsoft Graph API.