One of the easiest thing to do in Manor is to generate a work report for a client. This is very handy when you need a report in a heartbeat for a client, for the courts or any other scenario. Here is how.

Navigate to the client you wish to generate a work report for. Press Work report button.

Now you will see a modal window where you can generate a work report. 

To preview your report press Preview report button. If you are happy with the report and have set your options right you can press Download report to get the pdf file.

Here are the options visible for the work report:

  • Chapters allow you to select what type of billable items you wish to include in the work report. If you just want a report for your work hours, just select Time and un-select the other chapters.

  • Options allow you to customize the report even more.
    • Show zero billable hours means that the work report will include time entries where you have set the billable hours quantity to zero. This is often done if you decide to not charge some time entries but still wish to show them to the client.

    • Show prices means that monetary amounts are present in the work report. The report will show quantity, like hours worked, and also the price for it. If you are making a work report for someone that does not need to or is not allowed to know your prices then it is best to un-check this option.

    • Show billed/unbilled mark means that the report will show a tick-mark next to billed items and a special column for the tick-marks. This is handy if you are making a work report for the entire period of a matter that includes billed and unbilled items. It helps your client know what is billed and what is not.

    • Show employee means that there will be a column that shows the employee initials next to all entries on the work report. Very handy if you wish to show your client who did the work. If you like to keep that from the work report then un-check this option.

  • Status allows you to select if you want unbilled items only, billed items only or both. Just check the status you wish to include in the work report.

  • Time period selector allows you to pick any time period you with. The most common periods are shown as options once you click it. You can pick any of them or just click the start or end date fields and select a specific date.

  • Matter selector allows you filter the work report by the client's matters. You can only filter by one matter at a time.

The final work report will look like this.

How do I get my firm's logo on the work report?

Navigate to Administration and Settings. Find the area for company details and set your firm's details there. You can upload a logo that will then be used for the work reports. If you do this now you will have to fetch the work report pdf again to get the logo on the report