It is very easy to add a task in Manor. A task is something that needs to get done. To add a task you find the blue Create new button and select Task.

Then you will see the add new task modal window. There you can add task details.

  • Task name is the name of the task that will be used where the task is displayed. You can always change it later.

  • Matter is the matter you wish to connect this task to. Selecting a matter is optional. Note that other participants in the matter can see all tasks connected to the matter.

  • Assignee is the person responsible for the task. There can only be one assignee to make the chain of responsibility clear.

  • Due date is the task deadline. Due date is optional.

  • Due time is the time stamp on the deadline. Also optional.

  • First alert is when you want Manor to notify you about this upcoming task.

  • Second alert is when you want Manor to notify you for the second time about this upcoming task.

  • Description is further details about the task.

  • Finished checkbox is used when you finish the task.

Note: Alerts are sent to the task assignee within Manor as an in-app notification. If the assignee does not see that notification within 5 minutes, email notification will be sent as well as a text message. The assignee must have his email and mobile number set on his profile page for this to work.

An overview of all tasks

It is very simple to see all tasks by navigating to Tasks. There you can filter your tasks and order them as you please.