It is very easy to set up your company's VAT or sales tax settings. Your tax setup depends on your location and/or region of business. Manor supports any kind of tax rates. You can even skip the tax aspect all together if that fits your needs. Most companies are subject to VAT or sales tax of some sort which is then added to the final amount on invoices during billing.

Set your rates

Depending on your country of business you can set your custom tax rates by navigating to Administration and Tax rates. There you can add or edit the rates to your needs.

Tax setting is set for each matter

When adding a new matter or editing matter details you can decide if tax applies to the matter or not. This is optional since it is quite variable if tax applies or note in many service industries. If you select Yes to tax then the invoice in this matter will include the appropriate tax on each billable item on the invoice.

Tax when adding billable items

When you add billable items to a matter you do not have to worry about tax rates. But when you add an expense you have to specify what tax rate should apply since it depends on the goods or services in question.

Changing a matter tax settings

You can always change the tax settings for a matter by going to the matter and editing the matter details.