It is easy to delete a client. Simply navigate to Clients and select the client you want to delete.

Note: In Manor we use a soft-delete approach to all delete functions. That means the item deleted will disappear from view but still remain in the underlying database which enables us to restore the data if requested. For total and irreversible delete (hard delete) please contact Manor support.

When you click the button you are asked to confirm the delete action. Once you have confirmed it the client has been deleted.

What happens to the client's matters?

When you delete a client you are not deleting his matters. They will remain in Manor with the deleted client's name visible but now with a special marking that this client has been deleted. We do this so that no matters can get lost due to lack of client association. You can of course set client to none on any matter but the delete action on a client will not have that effect.

What happens to the client's unbilled items?

They will remain unbilled in the relevant matters. Deleting a client has no effect on his matters or any items associated with them.

Can I restore a delete client?

Yes. If you accidentally deleted a client you can contact Manor support and get help on restoring a deleted client.