It is very easy to import clients to Manor when ever you like. Simply navigate to Clients and then Import. There you can press the Import Clients button.

Then you will see a modal window that starts the import process.

The process is simple. You have to arrange your clients data in an Excel document before uploading it to Manor. It is best to first Download the sample file to see how your data needs to be arranged. Then open the document in Excel.

The document contains a few sample entries. Feel free to delete them and add your own data. When you have added everything you can proceed with uploading the document to Manor.

Few important notes:

  • National ID is an optional field used for clients in some countries.
  • The columns in the document are final. You can not add any columns.
  • You can delete columns you do not use, or leave them there, no problem.

Manor will help you during the import and give you instant feedback if any of the data in the document has errors. If that happens you can fix the data in the document and upload it again.

Pro tip: Save your document. Manor might find some errors in the data that you might need to fix and upload again.

If no errors were found your import will go through and you will see this modal window.

Some clients have duplicates

We do not search for duplicate entries in your client data during the import. If you notice a duplicate after the import you can delete the one you want to remove. We do not stop import of duplicates because in some cases users need to have the same client listed twice.

Errors in my data

When you upload your data Manor will go through the document and search for errors of any kind that could cause problems with your data. You will get a detailed feedback if anything is found. If it happens, just fix what is wrong and upload your document again. Very easy. When no errors are found the import will go through.

Can I add columns to the Excel document

No that is not possible. Manor only imports predefined columns as can be seen in the sample document. Any extra columns will not be imported.

Can I import any other file formats?

No that is not possible. We only support an excel document. The reason is that format is available to the vast majority of our users and most accounting / client management systems offer excel export.

Can I import clients from my old system?

Yes you can, no problem. You need to figure out how to export your clients list from your old system and then copy the data into the Manor sample document and prepare it for import. If you do not see any export features in your old system you could try a few things.

  • Google how to export from your old system - if it is possible then Google will know.
  • Contact the service provided of the old system and ask for export support.
  • In some systems it is possible to export a comma separated file (csv) which is easy to import to excel.
  • In some systems you can see the clients list in table format and select all the data and copy it over to an excel document.

Can I cancel an import?

Yes you can. You can cancel an import at any point. If you have imported all your data but wish to revert the import you can go to Clients and select Import. There you will see a list of your previous imports. Pick any one of them and get a modal window with import details. There is a Revert button you can press to revert the import.