Adding a contact is very easy. Contacts are nice to have because you can assign them to matters and then see quickly what matters this contact is related to at your firm. To create a contact simply press the blue Create new button and select Contact.

Then you will see a modal window to enter contact details.

You only have to enter the contact's name but you can add more information if you like.

  • Contact name is the contacts name.

  • Email is the personal email of the contact.

  • Phone is the direct number to this contact, mobile or desk.

  • National ID is an optional field that is used for contacts in some countries.

Then just hit Save contact and you are done!

You can now go to any matter and edit the matter details and select this contact in the list of contacts.

Add contact when creating a new matter

 You can also add new contacts when you add a new matter. There is a button for it next to the contact field.