It is easy to do mass actions on matters. First you should navigate to the Matters list and apply filters if needed. Then you check the matters you want to apply the actions to.

As you check them you can see the mass actions button appear above the list of matters. When you are done selecting your matters you can click any of the buttons.

  • Open allows you to open matters that are already closed. Note that the participants in the matters you open will then be able to browse these matters.

  • Close allows you to close matters that are currently open. It is a good workflow to close matters that you are done working on or have reached the end of their timeline. If you close a matter it will also be closed to other participants of the matter. You can always open them again.

  • Delete will permanently remove the matter and all of it's tasks, notes, research copies. All of these items will no longer be accessible in Manor. Note that if something is deleted by accident you can contact Manor support and see of the data can be restored from backups.