Creating a matter in Manor is very simple. You can create as many matters as you like and add as many things to each matter as you like. You will very quickly have a valuable centralized base for all your matters. To create a new matter simply press the blue Create new button and select Matter.

Then you will see a modal window that allows you to add more details.

You only have to add information to the fields marked with the red asterisk * but it is nice to add more information if you can.

  • Matter name is the name of the matter. You can edit this at any time later.

  • Template is optional and allows you to select a template you already made. Templates are used for matters that are of the same nature and require some special fields to keep track of. See here how to create and use templates.

  • Client is the client set for this matter. You can change clients any time later.

  • Owner is the person within the firm responsible for the matter. You can change owners any time later. Only one person can be the owner of a matter so it is absolutely clear who is responsible for the matter.

  • Participants are colleagues working with you on the matter.

  • Contact are one or many persons from the client that are contacts on this matter.

  • Subjects are topics you can use to categorize your matters. See here how to add and edit subjects.

  • VAT is the value added tax setting for this matter. You can select if it is subject to VAT or not. This has an effect on invoicing the matter later on. See more details on VAT here.

  • Billable check box allows you to decide if the matter should be billed or not. If it is a pro bono matter you can un-check this box and it will not show up as un-billed in your outstanding balance list.

When you are happy with the details just hit Save matter.

Then you will see your new matter. Well done!