Matter is the essence of Manor because it involves everything our users do from day to day. When you create a new matter in and give it a name we allocate a unique number to it. You can also add a client, contacts, participants, subjects and more. You can even create matter templates for your most common types of matters.

Once the matter is created you can start adding billable items such as time, travel, products and expenses. You can also add tasks, events, files and research items if you like. The matter in Manor will become the center for everything regarding the matter while you work on it.

During the life cycle of the matter you add things to it, create work reports for it, issue invoices from it and will find - in a single place - everything you need from that matter.

How does a matter look like?

Matters are very well designed with the intent to give you as much information possible on the matter situation but remain true to nice colors, smooth feel and intuitive user interface. Our look and feel is what many users love about Manor. Lets take a look at a classic matter.

The left column is about matter details and billable items. You can easily edit and dig into them for larger views. In the middle is the well known matter timeline that shows all events in the matter in chronological order and with one of the matter notes pinned to the top of the line. Then we have the right column wit tasks, events and file storage.

Can I add my colleagues to the matter?

OF course. Just go the first box in the left column, Matter details, and press Edit matter. There you will see a field for participants. Add your colleagues, one or many, and they will be granted access instantly to the matter and all of its data. Now you can all monitor the latest developments within the matter in real time.

Can I open the matter to my client?

Yes you can. If you enable the Service Portal you can allow your client to log in to a special portal where he can see his matters. Then he can log in any time and monitor the matter progress, access files and much more. See more details on the service portal here.

How do I get a work report on the matter?

You can generate a work report easily by pressing the Work report button in the top right corner. See here how to make work reports in a heartbeat.

How do I edit matter prices?

You can edit matter prices by pressing the Prices button in the top right corner. See more details on setting prices here.