It is very easy to add expenses to matters. Expenses are normally items that you have paid for while working on the matter. Classic expense is when you buy a third party report of some sort on behalf of your client. Adding this cost is easy. Simply press the blue Add button in the top right corner and select Expenses.

Now you can see a modal window for adding expenses.

Here you can select a few things.

  • Matter is the matter you are adding this expense to.
  • Description is what you are adding. Detailed description is better for later billing.
  • Amount is what you paid for it.
  • Billable amount is what you like to charge your client for it.
  • VAT rate is the value added tax rate - if applicable.
  • Recipient is to whom you paid this to.
  • Paid at is when you paid for it.
  • Payer is normally same as client but you can select to have someone else pay for this particular expense.

Once you are done editing the expense entry you simply press Save expense