It is very easy to move billable items - such as time, travel, products and expenses -  between matters. You simply navigate to the matter where the entries are and open up one of the areas. For an example we will move time entries from one matter to another so we will find the Time area n the left column.

Now we can see the time entries assigned to this matter. In this example there is only one entry. 

Now we select the entry by checking the checkbox and then press the Move button. Then we get a small window asking where the entry should be moved to. Just select the matter you wish to move the entry to and hit Move.

Now your done and the entry has been moved! You will now be shown the matter you moved your items to.

Can I move billed items?

Billed items can not be moved since they were billed from the current matter and must remain there for auditing purposes. You can however copy any items from a matter to any other matter.