It is good to have your personal information correct so that you can get the full experience out of Manor when working with colleges within Manor. You can very easily manage everything related to you as a user in a single place on your profile page.

First step is to click your name in the upper left/center corner.

Then you will see your profile details area and all the options related to your user profile.

You can also edit other settings in here in the settings area.

  • Profile details is where you set your name, initials, email, phone and language.
  • Profile picture is where you add or update your profile picture. The picture is only used within the instance to show users participating in matters, events, tasks and so on.
  • Integrations is where you enable the integration with other online services such as Microsoft, Google and more.
  • Date and time is where you set your timezone. date format and time format.
  • Password is where you set your password.
  • Devices is where you can see all you active sessions and, if you want, close other sessions.