Now it is time to add your first time entry! It could not be any easier. In the top right corner you will find a blue button labeled "Add". Click it and find "Time" as one of the options. Other options in the list include things you can add to matters.

So the steps are easy:

  1. Click the blue Add button.
  2. Select Time option.

Now you have on your screen the modal window where you can add your time entry.

This view is very intuitive. On the left are details about this time entry and on the right is a graphical interface to draw the time entry with your mouse. That way you do not have to enter the time details with the keyboard.

Here is how we draw time entries:

  1. Click the yellow area where you want to start.
  2. Hold the mouse button.
  3. Drag the pointer down to where you want to stop.

Once you have set the timing for the time entry you should add description, rate and so on.

Here are the fields you can use

  • Billable hours is the quantity of time you plan on billing for this time entry. Most of the time it is the same quantity as the actual duration of the entry but you have the option to change it.

  • Payer is the entity that will be charged for this time entry. This can be the client of the matter or someone else. If it is the client it is best to keep the default value "same as client".

  • Suggestions is an area that will be visible if you have added time to this matter before. Then we will suggest your latest five descriptions. If you click it we will pre-fill the description field for you.

  • Rate is the price you will use per hour for this time entry. Rates can be set and adjusted in the Administration area.

  • User is you, the user adding the time entry.