Adding clients is very easy. You simply press the blue Add button in the top right corner and select Client.

Once you click it you will see a modal window that allows you to enter client details.

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *

Here are the fields you can use:

  • National ID is a company identification number that is used in many countries. Not all countries have this and it is fully optional to use this field.

  • Client name is the name of your client.

  • Email is the email address of the client.

  • Phone is the phone number for the client. You can decide how you write phone numbers and if you want to use country- and area codes or not.

  • Currency is this clients currency. This setting will decide which currency all of this clients matter are set to. If the client is marked in US dollars then his matters will be in US dollars and invoices related to these matters will be in US dollars. More on currency support here.

  • Address is the street address for the client.

  • Postal code is the postal code.

  • Country is the country code of the client. Note that once you select a country the address fields change accordingly to allow you to enter neighborhood/City/administrative area or any other area specific address details.

  • Billing address can be different from the street address but we assume it is the same and check the checkbox by default. If you would like to add a special billing address then un-check the box and fill out the fields that show up.

Once you have entered the information about the client you can click "Save client" to submit this information.

Pro tip: Remember you can always edit client details later and even switch currency!